Wednesday, 12 June 2019

QS Bubble Row Finish


I know, I know, it’s been simply ages since I’ve last posted, but I have sold my house, bought a house and moved, so it’s been busy (read: hellish) for the past several weeks.

So first, QS Bubbles. 
13th HaED Page Finish was March 15 with 7840 stitches
14th HaED Page Finish was on June 5 with 7220 stitches
15th HaED Page Finish was on June 11 with 3620 stitches.

There are two other fish QS that I plan to stitch to hang in my en-suite. They will go perfect in there.

Speaking of en-suite, I can’t tell you how much I am in love with the new house. We sold and bought literally on the same weekend.  This house is so big and so pretty, I’m amazed that it was in our price point. 

I’ll just share a couple of photos with you. 
The kitchen

The door to the en-suite 

The tub in the en-suite ♥️♥️♥️

This amazing pantry which is the size if my first rental.
I can’t believe it’s really mine and I keep pinching myself.  But there is landscaping and curtains and lots to do, which will keep me busy. 

But I still manage to get a couple of hours of stitching in a night,