So pretty so far. Started June 24 and finished July 26. 7372 stitches.
Sometimes it's hard to put a project down when I come to the end of a page. For me, this was one of those times. That lovely face is just starting to show and I want to work on her more until she reveals herself fully. But that would mean Adrift takes a back seat again, and I'm getting closer and closer to that last row, that I have to pull her out and work on her. And being that she is getting close to the end of the row, and the final row, I'm sure I'll feel the same way when it comes to the end of her page.
Right now work is interfering, as it always does, with my stitching time. But work means I can afford more projects. Therefore work = good!!!
I was just visiting my sister in Washington State and she has the prettiest oasis in which to stitch outside. I wish I'd taken a photo. It was in her back yard, around a garden path where she had a lovely little set up, complete with hammock and chairs and a little table. Her husband served as out Cabana boy and served up drinks while we stitched the afternoon away. It was one of the loveliest afternoons stitching that I've ever had.
I wish I had something clever and witty to say at this point, since my posts are sparse, but this heat is sapping my energy, so I guess I'll just offer this update with little fanfare, and I hope to see you in a month or so with Adrift.