Thursday, 19 February 2015

Winter Hat Owl Page 6

 Page started Feb 6 and finished Feb 18th.

I finally got to the owl, or his hat, anyway.  Oh my gosh, so much confetti in the hat! I literally had to go line by line and park my threads.  It seemed so slow and arduous!  I actually timed myself and I was averaging a row every 40 minutes.  To say if felt like I wasn't getting anything done was an understatement!   But I persevered, and I finished it last night. 

The colors are so rich and beautiful and I'm loving the dark blues and the rich reds.  

But now it's time to put this little man down and pick up Adrift once again.

I have a date with her tail, and boy, I can hardly wait!

~Rai Rai

Friday, 6 February 2015

Adrift, Page 14 Completed!

Page 14 is done, done, done!   My next page, I get to start the tail!!!  I'm so excited! (But judging from the confetti in the pattern, I may yet live to regret that excitement.)

Finishing this page, I got to learn first hand the TRUE meaning of frustration.  I was probably within 100 stitches of a page finish with no work scheduled for a week, and then I got called in.  (I work 12 hour shifts, so when I'm working, my life consists of working, eating and sleeping, and no stitching time whatsoever).   So I got called in to work a shift.. then another... and another. Being so close to a page finish and having to wait 4 days before I could pick it up again!   TORTURE! 

Anybody following this blog work with stands?  I got a little bit of money for Christmas, and bought one, that I don't know the name of.   It's not like the standard Hearthside stands that we usually see. This one looks more industrial, with a metal base (which is what I needed above all, because I have a wood loving Cockatoo, who would have made short work of my new expensive stand) 

It's hard to describe, so here is a photo of it.  I prefer to work with Q-Snaps, so this fits perfectly into the frame, and holds nice and snug while I learn how to stitch with both hands (omg, so much faster)
It took me a few days to get used to it, and at first I thought I'd made a huge mistake and that it was more awkward and uncomfortable, but then I spent some time adjusting to my comfort level and really giving it a chance, and now I'm convinced it was the best purchase I've ever made.

It's not the prettiest stand, but it's perfect for me!  And being that it's small (as far as stands go) I can fit my light AND my magnifier beside it.  I now have an extremely busy little stitching corner, but it's mine all mine and I love it!

Hopefully I should have a nice page of Winter Hat Owl to show off in a few weeks, this time with Owl! 

Happy stitching, everyone!

~Rai Rai