Thursday, 22 May 2014

Adrift Pages 3 and 4 Complete

After absolutely blazing through page 3,  I thought I would keep going and post pages 3 and 4 together.  And then life hit me, and it took me over a month to complete page 4.

Admittedly, this photo isn't the greatest.  The cloth is so large that I have to fold it over and over and that's what gives it this rather messy look.

I have a few closeups that I also took.  You can see a bit of a blending better in this.

Apologies for the big shadows over the right side.  But you can see the blending of the colors of the sky a bit better. Plus there is a little bit of Krenik in there, that gives the sky a hint of a shimmer. It's really pretty and I wish this photo did it justice.

I'm on to page 5 and 6 (6 is little more than a block, so really shouldn't be counted as it's own page) and then I am done the first row of this goliath!   I'm pondering taking a break at the end of each row and just doing a page of something completely different, like the Winter Owl.  I feel like I need a hefty dose of bold color after working on such muted colors.

Anyway, enjoy! Hopefully page 5 won't take me long and I will have an update for you in a couple of weeks.

~Rai Rai