Friday, 25 January 2019

Generations Pages 8 and 13 are Ccomplete

This is my 3rd page (7315 stitches) and 4th page (1925 partial page) finish of the year.
I only have 2 more full pages and 3 partials and this project is done.  I started it as March so hopefully I will complete it around her anniversary.  The line you see on the piece is from the q snap. This will disappear long before framing. .

It’s been a real struggle to find time to stitch because we are putting the house on the market and moving to a smaller town about1/2 hour away.  I can’t believe what an incredible amount of work it is to get the house ready for market, not to mention time consuming.

And to add pressure I joined a group SAL with mini challenges, like a 90 day stitch every day challenge. So far I’ve managed to stitch daily, but it has been a challenge.

I’m looking forward to having this done and framed and I’m very much looking forward to getting back to Wind Moon.

73% done this project is like music to my ears!

Saturday, 5 January 2019

Generations, Page 8

First finish of 2019!  Generations, page 8. I am now 59% complete.  The next page will finish that adorable little rascal foal.
This is my first attempt at updating my blog from my iPad. So far so good.  Updating blogspot from a tablet used to be so arduous, but the last time I tried was a few years ago.  It appears some changes have taken effect since my last efforts.

Last year I finished the year with 20 page finishes, plus 2 stockings.  Not bad at all.

I’ve joined a year long stitch-a-thon and I’m hoping it will help keep me focused on stitching, because a man by the name of Arthur Morgan sidelined my stitching for nearly all of December.

My plan is to finish Generations and then focus on Wind Moon for at least a row. Maybe even two rows, but honestly , that’s an awful lot of blue to focus on for so long.  With this challenge the onus is on to finish a project, so it’s a one project at a time challenge. You can, of course, work on more than one, but you only get credit for one.  Wish me luck!

Well, my kindreds, I wish you a Happy New Year.  May 2019 be filled with happiness, security, floss, fabric and patterns!