I really must apologize for the pictures. I do try to pull the wrinkles out of the piece, but I don't think I'll truly get a nice photo until it is complete, washed and ironed.
That being said, I do try to take the best photos that I can on an iPhone.
Not that much exciting to see. Just a bit of her torso, and waves. Endless waves.
Here is the entire piece so far. As you can see, this wasn't the most exciting of pages, but they too must be done. One more page and a partial and I am done a second row! I think I may be a bit ahead of schedule, as it took me a full 6 months to do the first row, but even though I am working a page on Adrift and then a page of Winter Hat Owl, I will be done this next page well before January. (at least I hope to complete it somewhere mid November). But with the completion of this page, I have now hit the 30% mark on this journey!
Again, I apologize for the quality of the photo, but you do get an idea of the progress.
Off to work on page 3 of Winter Hat Owl. Only about 4 more pages and I might have a photo to show off.
I know it's early still, but wishing you a happy and safe Halloween.
~Rai Rai